Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Sister's keeper

I have been crazy busy lately, but of course I always find the time to read. I highly recommend this book called My Sister's keeper by: Jodi Picoult. Jodi Picoult is an award winning author and I can see why this book is amazing. It is about Kate who is diagnosed with leukemia and so she needs someone to give her blood and bone marrow. So, her parents basically create another child so Kate can stay alive this child is Anna and because of much research she is a perfect blood match for Kate and therefore a perfect donor. Anna has given her life up to help Kate, but when it comes to giving her kidney up she draws the line she goes to a lawyer and begins to sue her parents so she can keep her kidney. Will she win or will her parents? This book is filled with plot twists and it is fantastic it has something for everyone.
Yours truly,

About Me

This is a blog, as my form of media for my Musical Links Investigation Paper which I will be submitting to International Baccalaureate.
