Friday, December 26, 2008

Dashing Through the snow

Every year two great mystery and suspense artists collaborate to make an amazing holiday book. Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark. This year they wrote a book called Dashing Through the snow. Its set in a small town in New Hampshire where they are having a winter festival called the Festival of Joy. When 5 employees at a local grocery store win the the lottery it is nothing but complicated. So, Alvirah Meehan and Regan Reilly team up to solve the mystery as always. This is an amazing book and I highly recommend it.
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Buckling down

I just wanted to say happy holidays to everyone and hope you are using the free time for some reading :)
I sure am, but also for some serious studying since exams are in late January and I really want to be on honour roll so I've got some serious studying to do and a lovely science project to do.
Hope you all enjoy your holiday
Book Girl

nineteen minutes

A lot can happen in nineteen minutes
you find this out when you read the riveting novel by Jodi Picoult
By now you all must no I love Jodi Picoult from my raving review of her book My sister's keeper. Well if you need a good book this is the book to read its quite suspenseful.
Let me warn you though, it switches time periods and characters a lot so don't get confused, if needed make a list and write down an indentifying characteristic so you can remember because EVERYONE is important in the end to putting the puzzle back together. For example: Zoey-went to the orthodontist and heard an explosion.
Now onto the plot, there are so many twists I don't want to give anything away so all I can say is its about friendship and love and difficult choices and a High School shooting in a small town.
Now go read it
Oh and by the way its called Nineteen minutes by Jodi Picoult incase you didn't catch that :)

About Me

This is a blog, as my form of media for my Musical Links Investigation Paper which I will be submitting to International Baccalaureate.
