Thursday, December 20, 2007


The holidays are here so everyone likes holiday books. One of my personal favourites is the Dear Canada: A christmas to remember. It is all the best holiday stories from Dear Canada. I hope you enjoy your holidays and I will post as soon as possible, but for now I'm at school and need to find out who my secret santa is. I think I have an idea of who it is. Send a comment when you can.
yours truly,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


For those of you who like romance I have a great book for you it's called The girl who invented romance by Caroline B. Cooney. It's about a girl who needs a little romance in her life so when she's given an assignmeant in physcology she invents a game called roamnce and soon things seem to fall into place. The game that she invented is also included my friends and I have a blast with it.
yours truly,
Thank you Kerry for the nice comment and anyone else who comes across this site please leave a comment.

Monday, December 17, 2007

More links

I forgot to give you the link for Lolo's story (Music In Me) is:
The link for What You Didn't Know (my story) is:
If you know a story but can't find it on the website I'll be happy to provide the link.
yours truly,

Just a quick update

Just so you know I will not be taking a vacation from my blog over the holidays. If anything I will probably post more seeing as I will have some time off. Now back to books. Some terrific books I realized that I have beve mentioned before are:
-Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird by Jean Little (one of my personal favourite authors)
-Kira Kira by Cynthia Kadohata
-Friends, enemies by Rosie Rushton
-Confessions of a closet Catholic by Sarah Darer Littman
-Do you know the monkey man? by Dori Hillestad Butler
-Where I'd like to be by Frances O'roark Dowell
-Here Today by Ann M. Martin
If you have any questions about these books like what they're about or if you would like them then you know that you can always just ask. I'm here to help with all your book needs. As well I recieved a comment asking about why I hadn't mentioned some of their favourite books, well I have heard of them, but I have never read them therefore can not in my right mind recommend them.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


As pionted out to me by one of my friends I can't actually say Merry Christmas because of all the differen't religions so Happy Holidays. I found an awesome new book called In their Shoes by Deborah Reber about women who have their dream careers and they describe. There's my dream career in it a Journalist. I want to be a reporter or anchorwomen. What do you want to be? I can help you figure it out or tell you about your dream career or you can find out your self by buying the book. Hope I'm helping you with your christmas lists or holiday lists :)


Due to a request of one of my avid readers and my fellow author here is the link to our story:
be sure to read it. Also I will put a link to this website as soon as possible.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Been busy

WOW!!! I've been so busy lately. So sorry for not updating I've been caught up in reading. I've found a few new series that might interest some of you. There's the Color Me series which is about girls who all are dealing with different problems that many teens have to face. I'm about to read Blade Silver Color Me Scarred. Can't wait! Also I was given a new book that is the beginning to new series. This book is called South Beach. It's about two best friends eager for a great spring break and they almost loose their friendship.
Now on a slightly different topic, I have be introduced to this fantastic website:
My friends and I call it HPFF for short. If you like Harry Potter you are sure to love these slight twists on the past, present or future of Harry Potter. I am very glad to call myself an official published author. Yes that's right yours truly has a story up on HPFF. It's called Once Again. My friend Lolo and I have written it together so be sure to check it out. The author is Lolo_Lex_gryffindorgals. Also Lolo has written a story called The Music in Me and I have written a story called What You've Never Known. The author for all three of these stories is the same because Lolo and I share an account. So please check these stories out and review. Thank you.
Yours Truly,

About Me

This is a blog, as my form of media for my Musical Links Investigation Paper which I will be submitting to International Baccalaureate.
