Thursday, January 3, 2008


I am having a contest for the new year. It's a writing contest so if you like to write grab your pen and paper and start writing. Here are the rules:

1. It has to be about the New Year (a party on new years or a goal made for the new year stuff like that).

2. It has to be a short story no longer then 1500 words.

3. It has to be your own, don't steal someone elses.

4. The contest is over January 31st so all entires MUST be in by then.

So have fun and write a ton.
yours truly,


whytedotcalm said...

what prize could i win?

Alexandra said...

you can win the prize of being a really great author! Yes I know lame, but it's hard to give prizes over the internet.

About Me

This is a blog, as my form of media for my Musical Links Investigation Paper which I will be submitting to International Baccalaureate.
